
Making your business growth sustainable, scalable, and evergreen...

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Let’s get real.

It’s time to make scaling your business something you can do on repeat.

Do you want to uplevel the way that you do business?

Do you want to:

  • Feel confident and clear on your role as an excellent CEO
  • Multiply your best $10k, $20k, even $50k months two or three times
  • Have a trustworthy team to support you and your vision

...All delivered in a straight-forward, repeatable process?

Yeah, I know you do!  Let me show you how.

I know you’re ready for MORE from your business

Hey, I see you and I see your work.  You started your business with nothing but a dream.  With hard work and commitment, you’re now living the success that you once only dreamed was possible for you.

Those once distant $10k, $20k, even $50k months? You’ve got them on repeat.

Launching your company and getting your ideas out there? Done and done.

An even bigger vision of what you want your company to do and be? Clear as day.

Yet, entrepreneurship isn’t all about feeling on fire, to-do list poppin’, and blowing your goals out of the water.  Right now, you’re drowning in emails and paperwork, working to your max capacity, and constantly second guessing your next step. Your revenue is coming in but with so many balls in the air you feel like you can’t take a few days off without a fire popping up with your team or a client.


But even with all the ups and downs of entrepreneurship, you’re ready for more from your business - and even more from yourself. You’re ready to level up big time. Like upgrading your mindset, overhauling your business systems, and building a reliable, trustworthy team.

Even though you’re clear on WHAT you need, you’re still left wondering…”BUT HOW do I make it happen?”

You don’t need a course on how to launch and get your ideas out there. Been there, done that. Where’s the guidance for already established entrepreneurs who want to scale their revenue, operating methods, and teams for exponential growth - on repeat?

Circles Circles

What would it mean for your business if you had a system to create repeatable revenue as a true CEO?


Let me give you an idea...

You’ve asked me over and over how I scaled my success for multiple businesses.  So I’m proud to introduce you to the process that lets me do it all.




Making your business growth sustainable, scalable, and evergreen!

Inside this 9-week business accelerator, you’re getting an all-access pass to the process that helped me create seven successful courses, teach 42,000 students, and generate over $8.7 million dollars in revenue for just ONE of my booming businesses.

WorkSmart isn’t another course promising business newbies an easy way to get the bag. This is a specialized program for already established entrepreneurs to learn how to repeatedly scale your revenue, strengthen your business foundation, and take decisive action as the CEO of your company. So that your business and its GROWTH is a process you can do again and again

Ready to get started?

Enroll Right Now!

The WorkSmart Method

Inside WorkSmart, you’re getting my signature process to scaling your business revenue on repeat.

  • Milestone One Master Yourself

    In Milestone One, you’re starting with YOU. As the CEO, you’re the boss of your business, your life, and your TIME. Learn how to master your day-to-day operations like a high-level CEO. I’m showing you how to prioritize your time effectively, evaluate and create habits for success, batch your executive calendar, and schedule your ideal week. No more running around like a hot mess putting out fires. You’ll master the CEO mindset with my unique goal setting method Step-Change Growth to create exponential growth in yourself and your business.

  • Milestone Two Master Your Team

    As the CEO, you’re the visionary of your company. In Milestone Two, you’re going to learn to bring in the support you need to stay in your zone of genius. You’ll learn how to hire, onboard, and create a team that invests and believes in your vision as much as you do. I’ll also teach you how to delegate for success. Now, you’ll have Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Laborum cum voluptates autem quam. Sequi mollitia ab dolorum quia animi tenetur odio quos error quaerat corporis, odit saepe in. Ducimus, nihil!

  • Milestone Three Master Your Data

    You’ll be totally set to manage the influx of cash flow in your business thanks to Milestone Four. You’ll learn the four different types of revenue and how to identify which are and aren’t working in your business. This Milestone is dedicated to making your revenue repeatable, predictable, scalable forever. I’ll also walk you through Lorem ipsum, dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Alias iusto repellat, amet quibusdam autem tempora. Rem est soluta quia sunt a doloribus blanditiis voluptatem odio, voluptatum atque, incidunt provident nam.

  • Milestone Four Master Your Revenue

    You’ll be totally set to manage the influx of cash flow in your business thanks to Milestone Four. You’ll learn the four different types of revenue and how to identify which are and aren’t working in your business. This Milestone is dedicated to making your revenue repeatable, predictable, scalable forever. I’ll also walk you through Lorem ipsum, dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Ipsa inventore, autem non quae labore reprehenderit quibusdam accusamus blanditiis quod minima velit nulla voluptatum explicabo unde porro iste tempore ullam earum.

  • Milestone Five Master Your Growth

    Master the art of growth so you can hit bigger and better revenue goals on repeat. In Milestone Five, I’m teaching you the exact process I use to continuously achieve exponential growth in my businesses. This Milestone is the cornerstone of WorkSmart. My two-step process is the method you need to go from better to BEST in the Lorem ipsum dolor, sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Facere et perspiciatis rerum omnis, aut velit aspernatur esse nihil, beatae voluptatum debitis suscipit possimus magni nam in natus iste exercitationem tenetur.

  • Bonus #1 How to Run a Successful Meeting

    Meeting won’t be bain of your existence with the help of this bonus training. Learn how to run meetings efficiently and effectively as a leader and master delegator. Use meetings to drive your company towards your goals and improve communication amongst your team.

  • Bonus #2 How to Know When It’s Time for Investment

    Need more capital but you’re unsure of when to start investing in your business? This bonus module gives you the full breakdown of how to know that it’s time to start investing. You’ll also learn if angel investments, venture capital, personal loans, or business loans are the best for your business.

  • Bonus #3 The Four People Every Successful CEO Needs in Their Corner

    Build a team that will drive your business forward every step of the way. In this bonus, you’ll learn how to hire a virtual assistant, executive assistant, chief of staff, and personal assistant and their unique roles in your company.


What’s Included Inside WorkSmart

WorkSmart is a self-paced program that gives you access to

  • Value: $10,000
    5 Milestones to WorkSmart Results from Morgan DeBaun

    There are 5 Milestones in the WorkSmart Method. For each Milestone, you’ll have me as your on-demand mentor. I’ll walk you through what it takes to master each Milestone for WorkSmart results. At the end of each Milestone, you’ll take a short quiz to ensure that you’ve mastered the material and you’re CEO-ready for the next.

  • Value: $4,900
    24/7 CEO
    Peer Community

    You’re never left to do it all by yourself inside WorkSmart. Upon joining, you get instant access to a community of fellow CEOs to truly immerse yourself in the WorkSmart community.

  • Value: $1,500
    Expert Interviews with Morgan and Other Industry Leaders

    You’re getting a behind the scenes look at how the industry pros do it all. Get access to fresh perspectives from other entrepreneurs on topics like running meetings, hiring, scaling your revenue, and more. All exclusive interviews inside WorkSmart.

  • Value: $2,500
    Q+A library Forum with Morgan and WorkSmart Business Advisorsmunity

    Help is just a search away inside the Q+A Text Forum. Reach out anytime with your questions and get answers and feedback from me and the official WorkSmart business advisors to make sure that you’re on the right track.

  • Value: $8,500
    Live Sessions
    with Morgan DeBaun

    Keep your momentum with Milestone Live Sessions. Each time a new Milestone is released, I’ll host a live session where you to help you stay on track, focused, and moving towards your goals. The topic of our live session will coincide with the new Milestone. You’ll get the dates and times for these sessions inside your WorkSmart student portal.

  • Value: $12,000
    WorkSmart Program Resources, Templates, and Files

    WorkSmart comes with its own custom materials to walk you through the program. Even after you complete WorkSmart the first time, you can come back to again and again to repeat the process for scalable success with the help of WorkSmart resources, templates, and files.

WorkSmart is a high-level business investment and is valued at over 50,000

However, you can get access to all of WorkSmart for just

$1700 (or two monthly payments of $950)
Join WorkSmart Now!
About Morgan

About Morgan

Hey, I’m Morgan DeBaun!

I’m a serial entrepreneur and creator who’s mastered the art of scalable success.  As the CEO and Founder of Blavity, AfroTech, Summit 21, 21N Ninety, and M.Roze Essentials, I’m intimately familiar with the mindset, tools, and methods that every CEO needs to scale a business and grow effective teams.  I know what it takes to grow a business and team that not only succeeds but LEADS.

With my 10 years of experience in business, I saw all the programs out there to help you launch their company and get your ideas out there.  But I also saw the lack of programs that show established entrepreneurs like you how to scale your business revenue to the next level - and especially do it on repeat.

About Morgan

I created WorkSmart to give you a powerful blend of CEO mindset and high-level business strategy so that you can take the revenue you’ve made each month and amplify it up to 300%.  I believe in these methods to create repeatable revenue in your business.  But more importantly, I believe in YOU.

You and I both know that growing a business from the ground up takes hard work and commitment.  Even more to build one that lasts.  But you don’t have to do it all by yourself anymore.  I’m giving you access to my playbook silver platter so that you can

  • trade in your baby steps for quantum leaps
  • kick ass as an unstoppable entrepreneur
  • get the bag with a scalable process for success!

I’m ready to see you make more in your business.  Are you?

Enroll Right Now!

What Makes WorkSmart Different?

WorkSmart isn’t just any program for any entrepreneur who wants to make a couple thousand more a month. WorkSmart’s program is specifically designed to help established entrepreneurs get the guidance, accountability, tools, and methodologies to accelerate your revenue and create a sustainable lifestyle.

  • difference

    Whether you’re a service provider, influencer, e-commerce shop, or beyond, WorkSmart is a replicable methodology that can work for any business. Rest assured that the signature process taught in WorkSmart are the foundations for scalable business success - no matter the industry.

  • difference
    Growth & Revenue Focused

    WorkSmart has one driving goal for you: repeatable revenue growth. This program equips you with the education, mindset, and resources to continually blow your bigger and bigger revenue goals out the water. People might say that “life’s not about the money,” but WorkSmart IS about the money. Specifically, teaching you how to make more of it with a repeatable process for growth.

  • difference

    You’ll always have the system inside WorkSmart to return to for repeatable growth - in cash flow and mind. As you grow, the program will always be here to grow with you. WorkSmart gives you the mindset to make you a truly excellent CEO and process to create repeatable revenue growth in your business. This isn’t just a one-and-done program. This is a program and investment that lasts for the life of your business.

How This Works

When you join WorkSmart, you get immediate access to your CEO peer community and introductory materials. These materials are vital to create the dedicated space in your calendar so you can achieve WorkSmart results.

Then, you’ll receive access to each Milestone and it’s private forum as they are released. I’m not doing this to keep information from you. I know that you’re a high-achiever and you just want to dive right in.

But I intentionally chose to release the Milestones as we go so that you can:

  • Have ample time to implement everything that we cover
  • Build the necessary foundation before moving onto the next Milestone
  • Protect your time, energy, and focus from getting overwhelmed and distracted from trying to do it all at once

Will WorkSmart Work For You?

WorkSmart is a high-level business accelerator for full-time business founders, creators, and CEOs.

is the program for you if you:
  • Have at least $5k in recurring, consistent revenue
  • Are ready to master the mindset of leadership and of a true CEO
  • Feel your business revenue and growth has plateaued and want to jumpstart your growth
  • Excel at your craft, but feel overwhelmed when it comes to hiring, delegating, and managing your business
  • Are ready to learn systems to maximize your output and scale your current customer base
  • Want to learn how to accurately predict future business growth and direction
  • Already have a few team members in place and you’re ready to delegate
is NOT the program for you if you:
  • Are just starting out in business and have not mastered your target audience and positioning within the industry
  • Have not reached at least $5k in recurring, repeating, and predictable monthly revenue
  • Are not prepared to invest in new hires, implement new strategies, or give tasks and responsibilities to team members
  • Just want an easy, quick-fix to more money in your business
  • Aren’t open to any professional development of yourself to step up as a true CEO and ONLY want the strategy

Feel like WorkSmart was made just for you?

Enroll Now!
Work Smarter NotHarder Work Smarter NotHarder

Work Smarter NotHarder

I believe in the power that WorkSmart has to amplify your business success. But only if you show up for yourself and your business too.

Therefore, WorkSmart offers a 100% conditional refund within 30 days of joining the program. To receive a refund, submit your assessment from Milestone One and Milestone within 30 days of joining.

The Choice is Yours

WorkSmart is a high-level business accelerator for full-time business founders, creators, and CEOs.

You’ve been going at this alone for a while now. And really, you’ve created so much success for yourself and your business in that time.

But you also know that it’s time for MORE. You’re ready for more from yourself as a CEO, more from your business in revenue, more support from a team, and high-level business guidance.

This is hard work that we’ll cover inside WorkSmart. I’m not going to sugar coat it or say that it’s going to be easy. But if you are ready to level up BIG TIME and transform the way that you do business, this program is for you.

Today, I invite you to be fearless, unapologetic, and innovative. I invite you to be bold, take charge, and show up for yourself, your business, and your vision like you never have before. So you can make more, do more, and be more as the brilliant entrepreneur that you are.

I invite you to WorkSmart and step up as the true CEO of your company.

Will you join me?

Join WorkSmart Now!